One of the biggest and cheapest changes you can make to your room is paint. Quality paint can be a little expensive if you are on a tight budget, however, if you can scramble up some patience you can find paint for $5-$10 gallon in the Oops! section (like Home Depot or Lowe's) or if you ask the paint store may have some in the back (like Benjamin Moore or Sherwin Williams), this may require that you open many cans of paint to determine whats inside but HEY you are buying at a FRACTION of the cost sooooo WORK for it! :-)
You can't decide on what color to paint? Do NOT let this stop you! They have these things called paint swatches--guess what? THEY ARE FREE! Take as many as you need or in my case
like (I have enough swatches to start my own line...). Select one of your main walls and tape the swatches to the wall, don't forget to view them at different times of the day, elimate one at a time. I suggest that you only pick three colors because anything else is overwhelming to most people, however, there are no rules sooooo...what is holding you up?